Thursday, 24 May 2012

day 10

Sadly my last day. We still don't have any data back from the labs - not surprising since having to process 72 samples can't be easy.

Ward round was fab as it was led by Dr Marcano who is a brilliant "internista" and took great histories and did some great teaching as he went on to illustrate the point that the history generally gives away the diagnosis. Which is probably the most useful thing I can think of, that a student should be taught, if nothing else. It doesn't take a genius to take a good history.

There weren't any new patients today, but I did spend the rest of the day doing about 10 semi-structured interviews, which was both tiring and interesting. Its mad how you can get by with spanish as basic as mine!

day 9

Yesterday was Fab - long long ward round - about 5 hours long, then a bit of clinic.
And lots of great cases. 

A case of Myiasis, and probable neurocysticercosis, and lots of toxoplasmosis as usual. Oh and a girl with an oculogyric crisis. Still don't know exactly what the precipitant for hers was. 

Day 8 - dyspepsia

Sadly I started day 7 feeling nauseous after breakfast and throwing up just after getting out of Douglas' car. Not a nice feeling.

It took me a while to put dos and dos together; day 8 I felt like crap and like my skin and throat were on fire - yes it was the deaded doxycycline. My trusty, budget, friend that has kept me malaria free for all these years at a bargain basement price no longer agrees with me, and gave me oesophagitis and skin hypersensitivity.

I spent the day in bed and have tried omeprazole (freely available over the counter here along with most prescription meds) which is doing the trick so far. No more voms and far less heartburn